Our Services and Clients
Our distinguished and globally experienced team offer services to variety of clientele. Our team of adept researchers have the rare capacity to assess our findings, understand their meaning, and communicate them effectively to academicians, business leaders, educators, public servants, students, and everyday people. We are all keenly aware of, and have deep interests in, many aspects of our culture. We are approachable, down-to-earth, resourceful, and enterprising organizational development and community relations gurus, who are uniquely suited to help your organization. We are particularly adept at comfortably and effectively communicating with people from many walks of life. We have extensive experience in these industries:
Amateur and Professional Sports
Banking and Finance
Energy and Water
Faith and Religion
Health Care (Particularly Mental and Behavioral Health)
K-12, College, and Graduate Education
Parks and Recreaton
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
Viticulture, Winemaking, Wine-selling, and Hospitality
Collectively we have the education, experience, and intangible skills required, and as attitude reflects leadership, we are as empathetic and positive as we advise our clients to be.
Audits, Strategic Planning and Training
Diamond Strategies is an industry leader in helping create and maintain safe, equitable, cohesive, innovative, and productive environments, through structural diagnosis, strategic planning, training, facilitation, coaching, deep-dive learning opportunities, industry-leading in-person and digital workshops, retreats, symposia, professional development and team-building excursions.
Interest-Based-Resolution (IBR) is a highly effective model for facilitating organizational direction, while enhancing, streamlining, and integrating more transparent and efficient problem solving and conflict resolution into their organization. IBR results increased understanding, cohesion, and self-knowledge.
Speaking and Coaching
With over 100 years of combined experience and decades of higher education, coupled with natural ability and passion, our speakers are keenly aware of, and have deep interests at the intersection of education, entrepreneurship, technology, art, humanities, popular culture, and sports, and they address them accessibly, articulately, and with the right amount of historical context, emotional intelligence, authenticity, and humor. Let our dynamic speakers transfix, edified uplift you.
Inter-Personal and Inter-Cultural Communication and Community Relations
During this decade, the world has been rocked by a global pandemic, financial instability, and social unrest. We, therefore, see immense value in establishing and advancing healthy and productive relations between institutions, systems, and communities. Improving inter-personal and inter-cultural communication within our ecosystems are key to these efforts. Cultural humility, Informed communications, responsive community relations, and civic participation or corporate citizenship makes organizations more cohesive, innovative, and productive, and at Diamond Strategies can help you develop better engagement strategies, programs, and results.
Thought Leadership
Diamond Strategies’ leaders offer informed, dynamic, and instructive counsel to increase knowledge, eradicate disparities, bridge divisions wrought by unawareness, fear, micro-aggressions, and anger, to build more conscious, empathetic, and equitable environments. We conduct and share new research, publish opinion pieces and relevant texts, and share resources that help people from all backgrounds make more thoughtful, informed, and just decisions.