Our Services and Clients
Our distinguished and globally experienced team offer services to variety of clientele. Our team of adept researchers have the rare capacity to assess our findings, understand their meaning, and communicate them effectively to academicians, business leaders, educators, public servants, students, and everyday people. We are all keenly aware of, and have deep interests in, many aspects of our culture. We are approachable, down-to-earth, resourceful, and enterprising organizational development and community relations gurus, who are uniquely suited to help your organization. We are particularly adept at comfortably and effectively communicating with people from many walks of life. We have extensive experience in these industries:
Amateur and Professional Sports
Banking and Finance
Energy and Water
Faith and Religion
Health Care (Particularly Mental and Behavioral Health)
K-12, College, and Graduate Education
Parks and Recreaton
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
Viticulture, Winemaking, Wine-selling, and Hospitality
Collectively we have the education, experience, and intangible skills required, and as attitude reflects leadership, we are as empathetic and positive as we advise our clients to be.