Diamond Strategies is a premier, award-winning (2022 Best of Tempe Consultant Award), Better Business Bureau A+ rated, NSDMC certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE). We are a trend-setting organizational excellence, social responsibility, and community engagement firm, that helps your clients build cohesive, innovative, equitable, and sustainable environments, while promoting corporate citizenship and community impact. We also offer exemplary organizational audit, strategic planning, leadership coaching, employee training and team building opportunities, and Interest-Based-Resolution (IBR) services, to Fortune 500 companies, non-profits, government, and educational institutions in the United States, Africa, Australia, Canada, China, and Europe.
In addition, we provide leadership and learning opportunities in interpersonal and intercultural communication, through a combination of one-on-one interventions, focus groups, workshops, retreats, symposia, and other activities designed to provide the knowledge, skills, sensitivity, and resources organizations need to forge and maintain healthy and equitable cultures of collaboration, innovation, efficiency, and productivity. Our specialties also include including industry-leading Training-of-Trainers, (TOT), transformative community relations consulting, and thought leadership. Our skilled team, combined with first-rate analytics and data-driven technology, will help your organization close gaps and move the “people performance” and corporate responsibility needle across your ecosystem.
Furthermore, our team is keenly aware of, and have deep interests in, many aspects of culture, both within the United States and abroad. We are inspired, articulate, resourceful, and enterprising organizational gurus, who are uniquely suited to help you and your institution. We are professional and collegial, and we do whatever it takes—putting in countless hours—to produce the best work possible. Not surprisingly, we are devoted to issues that affect the everyday lives of people, in and out of the workplace, particularly those who have been rendered marginal by virtue of their race, class, gender, identity, sexual orientation, immigration status, faith, and learning and thinking styles. Our team has coached and mentored executive leadership, administrators, and emerging leaders within 6 K-12 school districts, 14 community colleges, 13 universities, over 19 non-profits, and more than 34 businesses and large corporations.
Mission and Vision
Our mission is to be the catalyst our clients are looking for to assist them in creating collegial, innovate, effective, and successful environments, by providing creative and effective strategies and tactics, that are tethered to their business plan, mission, and values, to increase synergy, performance, productivity, profitability, brand optimization, and competitiveness.
Our vision is to answer the persistent call for a more empathetic, coordinated, and productive world, by increasing efficiency and leveraging similarities and differences to create exemplary institutions and environments. Our goal is to be your partner in a larger effort to maximize our human and institutional potential. The great sociologist, W.E.B. DuBois, wrote “there can be no perfect democracy curtailed by color, race or poverty, but with all we accomplish all.” We at Diamond Strategies believe that “with all we accomplish all”.
To this end, Diamond Strategies utilizes approaches that include “Integrated Global Strategic” and “Targeted Universalism” practices. "The Integrated Global Strategic Approach emphasizes conducting various engaged and applied learning activities. Targeted Universalism “means setting universal goals pursued by targeted processes to achieve those goals. Within a targeted universalism framework, universal goals are established for all groups concerned. The strategies developed to achieve those goals are targeted, based upon how different groups are situated within structures, culture, and across geographies to obtain the universal goal. Targeted universalism is goal oriented, and the processes are directed in service of the explicit, universal goal.”
Diamond Strategies is committed to playing an active role in forging a sustainable planet, where social responsibility, environmental protections, and climate considerations, intersect with inclusion, diversity, equity, accessibility (IDEA), transformational leadership, and equitable policies and practices. This includes not only responding to critical issues in real-time, but also understanding and promoting behaviors that eliminate waste, pollution, and environmental injustice for future generations. We accomplish this by:
Using sustainable products
Being energy efficient
Using clean energy sources
Recycle everywhere possible
Partnering with green companies
“Dr. Matthew Whitaker partnered with the Cartwright School District #83 to support our 8th grade college and career ready innovation. He was an outstanding speaker and mentor for or students, parents and staff. He and Diamond Strategies are passionate and skillful in supporting students and community from diverse backgrounds as they seek to fulfill their college and career dreams!
— Dr. LeeAnn A Lawlor, Superintendent, Cartwright School District, Phoenix, AZ